Dji Sam Soe Bali with Sinar Photo Bali present The 9 Wonders of Bali Photo Competition, one of the new experience of photo competition that bring the photographers directly to 9 best spot in bali and express their imagination to take the best shoot. This competition was splited into 3 groups of locations; Group A was shooting in Denpasar, Badung & Gianyar Regencies; Group B was shooting in Klungkung, Bangli & Karangasem Regencies; and Group C was shooting in Tabanan, Negara & Singaraja Regencies.
Lucky me, i got into group B, 🙂 The trip wasn’t so far, and lots of new object to shoot there. Even those the sun shining really harsh that make my sensor burned like a hell… eerrrrggg… But that was okay… With a bit of trick all problems are solved 🙂
Back to the topic, so for the group B, the first location was the Pura Kehen at Bangli Regency. It’s a big Temple that has lot of stairs, the place was really humid, really quiet, and i can feel the spiritual energy while i shoot there, i might be thinking twice if they want me to shoot there ALONE :p
The second location was Kertagosa (The Klungkung Palace), a historical building complex situated in Semarapura (klungkung Regency).
The Last location was Tenganan Village, one of the ancient village with a native Balinese at Karangasem Regency. We arrive there around 3 O’Clock after we got a trouble with our bus, a Flat Tire… I was hoping to got a lot of interesting object to shoot, as you know, the village was really old and origin… But we only have limited of time, so i can only share some of them to you 🙂 enjoy….
One of my photo, has been chosen as The Best Photo of Kertha Gosa, and become the 2nd Winner Of the competition.
Thanks to all CFRB Family for the support, Thanks to all event committee, and also Special thanks to my lovely Angendari for the Support & Luck 🙂
Field Report Images:
image by Suwirajaya Waisnawan
image by Suwirajaya Waisnawan
image by Cahya Prawira
- See All : Culture, Landscape, Something Else