Hi all…
Here is some of my landscape shoot since I bought my 5D Mark 2 camera. I don’t shoot landscape a lot, so i need lots of input to increase my knowledge, your comment are really appreciated 🙂
The Rising Sun
Date Taken: 2011/04/24
Location: Kintamani
Fog of Love
Date Taken: 2011/04/24
Location: Kintamani
The Fisherman
Date Taken: 2011/04/24
Location: Lake Batur
Morning Activity
Date Taken: 2011/04/24
Location: Lake Batur
The Red Sea
Date Taken: 2011/07/23
Location: Sanur
Date Taken: 2011/12/31
Location: Candidasa
Tree of Hope
Date Taken: 2011/04/24
Location: Kintamani